
  • Merry

    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!

  • I stole this off of a friends ( Loyd ) Myspace  Blog !

    It was to true to pass up , I could not help my self  -BAD BEAR

    And by the way VETs day is coming up Remember them

    Dear Terrorists,
    I am a Navy Aviator. I was born and raised in a small town in New England. I come from a family of five. I was raised in a middle class home and taught my values by my mother and father.

    My dad worked a series of jobs in finance and my Mom took care of us kids. We were not an overly religious family but attended church most Sundays. It was a nice small Episcopal Church. I have a brother and
    sister and I am the youngest in my family. I was the first in many generations to attend college.

    I have flown Naval aircraft for 16 years. For me the flying was never a lifelong dream or a "calling," it just happened. I needed a job and I liked the challenge. I continue to do it today because I feel it is important to give back to a nation which has given so much to me. I do it because, although I will never be rich, my family will be comfortable.

    I do it because many of my friends have left for the airlines and someone has to do it.

    My government has spent millions to train me to fly these
    multi-million dollar aircraft. I make about 70,000 dollars a year and after 20 years will be offered a pension.

    I like baseball but think the players make too much money. I am in awe of firemen and policemen and what they do each day for my community, and like teachers, they just don't get paid enough.

    I respect my elders and always use sir or ma'am when addressing a stranger. I'm not sure about kids these days but I think that's normal for every generation.

    I tell you all this because when I come for you, I want you to know me. I won't be hiding behind a woman or a child. I won't be disguised or pretending to be something I am not. I will be in a U.S. issue flight suit. I will be wearing standard US issue flight gear, and I will be flying a navy aircraft clearly marked as a US warplane. I wish we could
    meet up close in a small room where I could wrap my hands around your throat and slowly squeeze the life out of you, but unfortunately, you're hiding in a hole in the ground, so we will have to do this a different way.

    I want you to know also that I am very good at what I do. I can put a 2,000 LB weapon through a window from 10,000 feet up. I generally only fly at night, so you may want to start sleeping during the day. I am not eager to die for my country but I am willing to sacrifice my life to protect it from animals like you.

    I will do everything in my power to ensure no civilians are hurt as I take aim at you.

    My countrymen are a forgiving bunch. Many are already forgetting what you did on Sept 11th. But I will not forget!!

    I am coming. I hope you know me a little bit better, see you soon...sleep tight.


    A U.S. Navy Pilot

    Our Soldiers are one

    of our greatest assets!

    God Bless

    In God We Trust and God Bless The U.S.A.

    If you can read this...

    Thank a Teacher

    If you read it in English...

    Thank a Soldier


    Were Sindi and I went!

    To see our brand new Grandson ( Diego Aaron Chavez ) Born 6/15/06

    at 3:26 MT time 2:26PT - 21" LONG -7 LBS- 2 OZ.

    L-R My Youndest son Johnny,son-in-law Santiago(The Dad), Grandson Diego, ME OSO,

    Daughter Dawn ( The Mom) , the Oldest Son Sean.

    Johnny and his beautiful girlfriend Emily, hopefully my future daughter-in-law

    and my beautiful Sindi.

    Dad & Mom and Poquito Oso Diego.

    "MORE TO COME LATTER" ( To be continued )


    As Memorial Day approaches you appreciate the one's that gave up their life and the one's that fought and came home.  No matter if you're for the war or against the war every generation has had a war.  You have Iraq, your fathers had Vietnam.  Vietnam Vets never had a welcome home or a memorial for awhile.  There is a website that tells some of their stories.  I hope you have time to explore the whole website.  It is Shadow of the Blade.  If the link doesn't work go to: http://www.intheshadowoftheblade.com When you get to the website click on the Blade player and listen to the music and the oral history of the people that were there.  If you go to the trailer stop the Blade player before going to trailer, it will overlap.  Follow the Huey helicopter as it travels around the country healing Vietnam Vets and relatives of Vietnam Vets.  The last stop is at Angel Fire New Mexico where Dr. Victor Westphal built the first Vietnam Memorial for his Marine son that was killed in Vietnam.  At a time when there were NO Memorials to Vietnam Vets.  I have past this memorial 20 times and never stopped, then one hot summer day I had time to stop.  The speakers outside were playing music from the 60's.  It was about 90 degrees outside, but inside it was about 60.  I was the only one there - it was a very quiet and spiritual place.  With pictures on the walls of vets that had died in Vietnam.  One long window on one end and a small alter with a candle burning.  The building is an upsweep wing that represents the wing of the Dove of Peace.  Remember ALL vets on Memorial Day.  BEAR


    Well it's spring the grass is green; the flowers blooming and it is getting HOT the way I like it 80 plus, shorts and a tank top, Ice tea, lemonade, BBQ, vacation time, camping and just having a GOOD TIME this summer.  THE BEAR is out of Hibernation.  Not much time right now working 55 hours last week but SOOOoooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A friend that I love like a son the one and only Burger Cheese (Frank) made me think? 

    QUESTION:  What is your favorite burger and were is it from (NOT HOME MADE).  Mine is from a chain in Albuquerque N.M. called BLAKE'S LOTABURGER since 1952 (it not me).  My favorite double meat Lota Burger with green chili, cheese and grilled onions, tomatoes and hold the lettuce.  Now I'm hungry.  Let me know what you like? (NOT HOME MADE FROM ANYWHERE)

  • Because I am Irish, Happy Saint Patricks Day and to all of you that are Irish and to the ones that want to be have a FUN and Safe day.

    Happy Trails>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEAR

  • HI Well going to CEMA convention in Sacremento this week will be at the CBDA booth and FS booth should be Fun after working 50 to 60 hours a week getting to old to be working that much , just need some down time and no time to update BEARSCAVE. See yah......

    P.S. Happy B-day to Lindsey and THANK YOU VERY MUCH for picking up Khaki , he will be very HAPPY TO!!!!!

    Happy Trails >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEAR

  • I'm Back!!!!

     Hi everyone.  I haven't been gone I just couldn't post.  So I am saying hey and wishing you Happy Trails.

  • To every one ! Sorry about the dogs